1 Sheet / 24 Patches

Adheres to skin and eliminates worries of scarring!

Hydrocolloid patch minimizes formation of scars by protecting damaged skin and maintaining appropriate moisture levels

1. Protective cover eliminates worries of scarring

Hydrocolloid spot patch helps minimize scarring by preventing the formation

of scabs over damaged skin or wounds by maintaining optimal levels of moisture

2. Clear spot patch with excellent adherence

Clear, thin patch adheres tightly to the skin and stays in place for hours

3. Mixed sizes

Each sheet comes with patches of varying sizes to provide customized spot care according

to the size of the blemish or wound

How to use 

1. Clean the area of application and allow to dry completely

2. Place a patch that is slightly bigger than the spot onto the blemish or wound

3. If/when the patch swells up with fluid, replace it with a new one

*Avoid changing patch too often so that patch can fully absorb any effusion from injury. If the patch no longer swells up after two to three days, change it once a day until the spot is fully healed